Terms and Conditions

Please read the terms and conditions of the contract before using this site. This is a legally binding contact, and by either depositing the initial payment or by completing the online order form you understand the terms and conditions as outlined here, by email or verbal confirmation, you are legally bound to this contract. A signature or hard copy is not required. By using our services in any way, you agree to and accept these Terms, our Privacy Notice, and any other legal notices or guidelines. If you are using our services for an organisation, you are agreeing to these Terms on behalf of that organisation. If you do not agree to these Terms, do not use the service. We may, from time to time, change this agreement. We will post a copy of the changed agreement on the terms and conditions page of this site. Your continued use of the service constitutes your agreement to abide by this agreement as changed. Any breach of this agreement may result in termination of your access to the service, without notice, in addition to the other remedies available to this website.

Within this document [you] refers to you or the company you represent, and [us, we] refers to Stil Cam.

These terms and conditions apply to all aspects of the services Stil Cam provides.

Protecting Copyrights And Other Intellectual Property

We respect the intellectual property of others, and require that our users do the same. No copies of this website or any portions thereof may be made by you or any person under your authority or control. You agree that you will not assign, sublicense, transfer, pledge, sell, lease, rent, lend, or otherwise dispose of the content, or any part thereof, or share your rights under these terms and conditions, including passwords and email addresses.

Further, you agree not to decompile, reverse engineer or disassemble any software or other products or processes accessible through the Service in any way that affects a user's experience, and not to use any data mining, data gathering or extraction methods. Also you agree that you will not disassemble, decompile, convert to another programming language, or otherwise translate the content. You will be held legally responsible for any trademark or copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by your failure to abide by the terms of this license agreement. Stil Cam reserves the right to deny access to any person or to terminate this license for any reason if Stil Cam reasonably believes that is not being used for its intended purpose, or for any other reason in the sole discretion of Stil Cam, at any time without notes.

User Content

Any comments, posts, feedback, notes, messages, images, audio, materials, ideas, suggestions or other communications you submit on or through the Service (collectively "User Content") are not private. By submitting User Content on or through the Service, you grant Stil Cam and its affiliates an irrevocable, royalty-free, worldwide, perpetual right and license to use, copy, modify, display, archive, store, distribute, reproduce and create derivative works based upon such User Content, in any form, media, software or technology of any kind now existing or developed in the future. By submitting such User Content on or through the Service, you are confirming that (a) you are the sole author of the User Content and the User Content is original with you and not copied in whole or in part from any other work; (b) you have obtained all necessary permissions associated with the User Content, including without limitation permissions relating to copyrights, trademarks, rights of publicity and/or rights of privacy; and (c) the User Content is not libelous, obscene or otherwise in violation of this Agreement. By submitting any such User Content on or through the Service, you grant Stil Cam and its affiliates permission to use your name and any other information (as provided by you) to attribute such User Content to you. Without limiting the generality of the previous sentence, you authorize Stil Cam and its affiliates to share the User Content across all affiliated Web sites, and to use your name and any other information in connection with its use of such User Content. You also grant Stil Cam and its affiliates the right to use any material, information, ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in such User Content for any purpose whatsoever, including but not limited to developing, manufacturing and marketing products using or inspired by such User Content. We are not responsible for the similarity of any of our Content or programming in any media to User Content submitted by you. All rights granted in this section are granted without the need for additional compensation of any sort to you.

Third-Party Links; Search Results

The Service may provide links to or automatically produce search results for third-party Web sites or resources or third-party information referencing or linking to third-party Web sites or resources. We have no control over such third-party Web sites and resources, and you acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible for the content or information contained therein. We cannot and do not guarantee, represent or warrant that the content or information contained in such third-party Web sites and resources is accurate, legal, noninfringing or inoffensive. We do not endorse the content or information of any third-party Web site or resource and, further, we do not warrant that such Web sites or resources will not contain viruses or other malicious code or will not otherwise affect your computer. By using the Service to search for or link to a third-party Web site, you agree and understand that we shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damages or losses caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with your use of, or reliance on, the Service to obtain search results or to link to a third-party Web site.

Disclaimer of Warranty

Although we try to provide accurate information on the service, the materials may contain inaccuracies, errors and typographical errors. Stil Cam and its affiliates do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the content contained on the service. we may make changes to the content at any time without notice and make no commitment to update the content. You acknowledge that you are using the service at your own risk. the service, the content available on or through the service, and the software made available on or through the service, if any, are provided "as is" without any representation or warranty of any kind, and Stil Cam and its affiliates hereby expressly disclaim any and all warranties, expressed and implied, including but not limited to any warranties of accuracy, reliability, title, merchantability, non-infringement, fitness for a particular purpose or any other warranty, condition, guarantee or representation, whether oral, in writing or in electronic form, including but not limited to the accuracy or completeness of any content contained therein or provided by the service. Stil Cam and its affiliates do not represent or warrant that access to the service will be uninterrupted or that there will be no failures, errors or omissions or loss of transmitted information, or that no viruses will be transmitted on the service. Stil Cam and its affiliates are not responsible or liable for user content or other content posted by third parties, actions of any third-party, or for any damage to your computer equipment or other property.

You expressly understand and agree that Stil Cam and its affiliates, subsidiaries, service providers, licensors, officers, directors or employees shall not be liable under any circumstances for any indirect, general, incidental, special, consequential, exemplary or other damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses (even if Stil Cam or its affiliates have been advised of the possibility of such damages). Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain warranties or the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages. Accordingly, some of the above limitations may not apply to you.

Affiliate Program

By using our Affiliate Program, you confirm that you have read the Terms, that you accept them and agree to be legally bound by them. If you register to Affiliate Program on behalf of an organization, you agree to the Terms on behalf of that organization and warrant that you have the authorization and / or authority to agree to these Terms on such organization‘s behalf. You are advised to carefully read the Terms before registering to join the Affiliate Program. Stil Cam reserves the right to amend the Terms at any time. In case Stil Cam makes any material changes to the Terms, we will post their updated version on our website.


Joining our Affiliate Program enables you to earn commission fees for Subscriptions, subject to these Terms. After registering to our Affiliate Program, you will be provided with an affiliate link (hereinafter – “affiliate link”) to share at websites owned or controlled by you, in emails sent by you and in online advertisements. A user, entering Stil Cam website using your affiliate link will receive a browser cookie for a duration of 30 days. You will be eligible for commission fees for all users subscribing to Stil Cam services while the user‘s cookie is still valid. If a user is not using cookies, the user deletes the cookie, the cookie expires, cannot be tracked or identified for any reason, you may not be eligible for a commission fee for any subscriptions made by such user.

Affiliate Obligations

Under these Terms, you are:

1.   Solely responsible for the development, operation, and maintenance of your website or other affiliate link distribution channels, as well as all content on or linked to them;

2.   Obliged to disclose commercial relationship between you or your website and Stil Cam by clearly identifying advertising and paid promotions;

3.   Obliged to make sure that your website or other affiliate link distribution channels does not copy or resemble the look of Stil Cam website or create the impression that your website or other affiliate link distribution channels is endorsed by Stil Cam or its clients, unless expressly authorized by Stil Cam

4.   Obliged to Comply with all obligations, requirements and restrictions under these Terms and laws, rules and regulations as they relate to your business, your website or other affiliate link distribution channels or your use of the affiliate links;

5.   Obliged to, at all times, prominently post and make available to end-users, including prior to the collection of any personally identifiable information, a privacy policy in compliance with all applicable laws that clearly and thoroughly discloses all information collection, use and sharing practices;

6.   Obliged to obtain informed, unambiguous and freely given consents from end-users, if necessary in accordance with applicable law, for the use of cookies and/or the collection of end-user information.

Prohibited Uses

Under these Terms, you are not allowed to:

1.   Breach any of your obligations under these Terms or any applicable law;

2.   Use the Affiliate Program to in any manner harm and/or damage Stil Cam or any third party (person or organization);

3.   Damage, breach, impair, disable, corrupt or otherwise harm the Affiliate Program, Stil Cam website or services;

4.   In any way alter, copy, modify, imitate, create derivative works or otherwise breach the trademarks, logo or other proprietary information owned by Stil Cam or other intellectual property of Stil Cam or its affiliates;

5.   Use your affiliate link to order Subscriptions for yourself or your affiliated companies;

6.   Use the Affiliate Program, your affiliate link and/or Stil Cam brand in general in any way other than for their original intended purpose of promoting Stil Cam services, including, but not limited to using Black Hat SEO techniques to redirect or manipulate traffic, or other similar means;

7.   Place your affiliate links on any website containing unlawful, illegal, harmful, ethically unacceptable content;

8.   Create and promote a content which is in any way deceptive, misleading and does not represent actual and accurate operations of the Stil Cam services;

9.   Distribute the affiliate link in a way that could be considered as unsolicited commercial email or any other type of affiliate link distribution that could be considered spam under any applicable law;

10.   Use any possible means to exceed your permitted access to the Affiliate Program, commit fraud, violate any applicable law, interfere with other affiliates, use cookie-stuffing or falsify information related to successful subscriptions brought by you via the Affiliate Program or the generation of commissions;

11.   Make any representations, warranties or other statements concerning Stil Cam or any of their respective products or services, unless expressly authorized.

We reserve the right to suspend and/or permanently close your Affiliate Program account if we find or suspect that you have acted in any of the manners set out above.

Intellectual Property

By using the Affiliate Program, you are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable, at all times revocable right to use the affiliate links and to access our website in accordance with these Terms and for the single purpose of your participation in the Affiliate Program. Nothing in these Terms is intended to grant you any rights to any of Stil Cam‘s trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, patents or other intellectual property.

Limitation of Liability

By registering and participating in the affiliate program, you expressly agree that neither Stil Cam, nor its employees, officers, executives, licensors, agents, shareholders, subsidiaries or affiliates will be liable for any damages (either direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages), resulting from your use of the affiliate program or any other claim related in any way to the affiliate program. Regardless, the total liability of Stil Cam to you shall not, in any event, exceed the amount paid to you under these terms.


We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, immediately and without notice, to suspend or terminate this Agreement, your registration for any program offered on the Service, your ability to access the service, and to remove any user content, for any reason, including without limitation any breach by you of this Agreement or conduct by you that we determine to be inappropriate. You agree that Stil Cam and its affiliates shall not be liable to you or any third-party for any suspension or termination pursuant to this provision.

Entire Agreement; Miscellaneous Provisions

This agreement is the complete and entire agreement between you and Stil Cam and supersedes any prior agreement, whether written or oral. If for any reason any provision of this agreement is found to be unenforceable, that provision shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to effect the intent of the parties as reflected in that provision, and the remainder of this agreement shall continue in full force and effect. Any failure of Stil Cam to enforce or exercise any provision of this agreement or related right shall not constitute a waiver, at the time or in the future, of that right or provision or any other right or provision. The section titles used in this agreement are for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effect.

You acknowledge that you have read this agreement, understand it and will be bound by its terms and conditions.



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